Expert Tips For Lip Filler By Revenge MD

How to Choose the Perfect Lip Filler: Expert Tips from Revenge MD


There’s been a noticeable rise in the number of people wanting to perfect their pout and opting for lip fillers with the help of  expert tips from industry professionals. But why? Simply because more people have been effectively achieving their desired results with the correct placement of lip fillers, proving to the world how simple it really is to get the lips you have always wanted!.

At Revenge MD aesthetics and wellness center, we realize that choosing which lip filler is best for you can be a daunting task since there are just so many of them. How are you supposed to know which one is best for you? Given all the confusion around this topic, we want to guide you through the process with some expert tips! This blog will help set you on the right path. It will help you to answer the all-important question: how to choose the right lip filler for me?


Understanding Lip Fillers: The Basics Of Expert Tips

First Expert tips from Revenge MD for choosing perfect lip filler is to understand what Lip Fillers are basically?.

Lip fillers are injections given to the lips that consist of a substance typically synthesized from hyaluronic acid (HA). This is a naturally occurring substance of the body known to play an important role in skin hydration and volume.

It is given via refined techniques and has become a highly sought-after choice for its natural-looking results, reversibility and comparatively low allergy risk. The filler itself is a thick, clear gel that blends well with tissues so that you do not look ‘full’ when viewed up close, thus adding to the natural feel of the result and avoiding an overfull look.

At Revenge MD Aesthetics and Wellness Center, we provide expert tips and are always trying to work with the unique structure of your face and will always be taking a soft yet thorough approach.

Some of the most well-known brands of lip fillers available at Revenge MD Aesthetics and Wellness Center include:


A great product with a smooth consistency, it comes in a variety of fillers with varying types and intensities of volume/lift.


These fillers are firmer and can be tailored to provide subtle and dramatic enhancements.


This filler is also long-lasting, often maintaining volume and shape for up to a year or more.

Expert Tips For Lip Filler

What to Consider When Choosing a Lip Filler

Picking up the right kind of lip filler would ideally be a case of ticking your favorite brand off a list. But the reality is much more nuanced, and understanding a few relevant factors and considerations is essential when it comes to walking away with the best results possible. Here are some expert tips on how to make an informed choice and get the exact lip filler before and after results that you have in mind!

1- Desired Outcome

Do you want your lip filler to flow too much? If you’re unsure about exactly the look you want, try walking around with a lip liner on and see how long you want it to last or which areas you want to define the most. It’s also important to remember what the filler is trying to do. Some fillers are specifically designed to add subtle volume, others help to define lip borders, and others allow for a more dramatic plumpness. Learn more with our expert tips!


For example, if you’re looking for a very natural, slightly full appearance, Juvederm could be a great option to try. Alternatively, if you’re going for a more noticeable or significant plump, Restylane could be the best fit for you.

2- Lip Anatomy

It depends on your natural lip shape and size because some people are born with thin lips, and some have plump lips that just need a bit of fill or none at all! Others are perfectly happy with the shape and size of their lips but would like them perked up and cheered up a little. The symmetry of both lips and the condition of your skin all around the mouth have to be considered when deciding on lip fillers.


At Revenge MD, we will assess your lip anatomy during your consultation and, with our expert tips recommend the best type of filler and lip filler techniques for you because how thin or thick your lips are can determine what they need. For instance, someone with thinner lips can definitely benefit from a filler that adds more volume, whereas someone with fuller lips may need just a little more to refine the shape.

3- Filler Longevity

Different fillers have varying durations of effect, typically ranging from six months to a year or longer than that. If you want your lips to be full beyond a year, you might want a longer-lasting option. If you are newer to lip fillers and want to dabble, you might want an option that doesn’t last for years to come, something with a shorter duration of effect. Another variable is that the duration of results can be affected by your metabolism, lifestyle and how your body naturally reacts to hyaluronic acid.

4- Texture and Consistency

For fillers, texture and thickness are important. Some fillers are thicker and have more ‘stop’, providing a lot of lift, while others are very fluid and soft, allowing for very subtle enhancement; the consistency of the filler also helps to determine how well the substance will integrate into your natural tissue and how the final look and feel.


For example, a filler with maximum thickness, such as Restylane, will create a more dramatic volume and can be used to achieve structural effects, while using a filler with an ultra-smooth feel, such as Juvederm, is more suitable to add beautiful soft, natural-looking fullness.

The Consultation Process at Revenge MD

The consultation is as important as the procedure; in fact, it’s one of the most important variables for a great result. When you come in, the Revenge MD Aesthetics and Wellness Center team will listen to what your aesthetic goals are and get a sense for your personal tastes and preferences. The doctor can then do a lip analysis and, with some expert tips, help you decide the type of lip filler that’s best for you. Here’s what happens at the consultation:

Comprehensive Assessment:

We evaluate lips for shape, size, symmetry and condition then suggest the most appropriate filler to you.

Personalised Direction:

Based on your goals and our evaluation, we will advise the perfect filler and lip filler techniques that will subsequently attain the desired outcomes.

Open Communication:

We will discuss with you what you should expect, including downtime during and following the procedure, the side effects, as well as the price of lip fillers.

Custom Treatment Plan:

We will build a one-of-a-kind treatment program tailored to your schedule, your budget, and your particular goals!


What to Expect During and After the Procedure

Revenge MD Aesthetics and Wellness Center makes sure lip fillers are a hassle-free treatment for any kind of lips you wish for—curvy, voluptuous, big or small. The treatment is clean, quick and has minimal discomfort. Here’s how it happens.


During the Procedure:


Before the injections, we’ll numb your lips with topical numbing cream so that you remain comfortable.

Make It Precise:

With a very fine needle, or cannula, we are able to inject the filler into the lips in a precise manner to build them out into a shape that you desire.

Immediate Results:

No need to wait to see the lip filler before and aftereffects! In just minutes, you’ll see the difference as your lips take on the shape you’ve always desired immediately after the procedure.


After the Procedure:

Mild Swelling Or Bruising:

There is a possibility of mild swelling or bruising that should subside on its own within a few days; do not worry!

After Care:

We provide you with aftercare instructions and expert tips for smooth healing and an optimal outcome. Don’t hesitate to ask us for any concerns.

Long-lasting results:

Depending on the filler used, your improved lips can last from six months to over a year!



Why Choose Revenge MD for Your Lip Filler Treatment As Lip Fillers Near Me Provider?

It only takes one phone call to get your dream lips. If you are in Reno, you can call us at (775) 983-5630; we are available! If you are in Henderson, please call us at (702) 335-7033. We will make every effort to make your journey as comfortable and painless as possible and allow you to make an informed decision on the price of lip fillers. On initial contact, we can outline the lip filler and experience from when you contact us to your recovery at home. From going through the different fillers available and suitable for you to what to expect during your appointment, we believe that it is vital to take time to understand and discuss your aesthetic aspirations and to then we formulate a customize treatment according to these aspirations.

Take the first step today at any of our two convenient locations in Reno or Henderson and let us help you pout on your dream lips and your life. Our dedicated team of professionals will help you pout into your new reality so you can smile the way you deserve. Get comfy, get confident, and let us help you be beautiful at any age with the experts at Revenge MD!

Facial Anatomy: Impact Of Lip Fillers On Unique Features

Facial Anatomy

Facial Anatomy: Lip Filler Impact On Your Unique Features

If you want to feel confident about your facial anatomy (Face)—a common prerequisite for being happy—then lip fillers are the go-to treatment. It is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures out there and is highly effective in giving you ‘the boost’ you might need, as well as increasing the profile of the face to make you look more symmetrical and enhance your appearance all around.

The filler itself is a thick gel that matches well with existing tissues so you don’t look ‘filled’ when viewed from a close angle, making the result seem natural and not giving you an overfilled face. It’s about understanding the anatomy as well as respecting it. At Revenge MD aesthetics and wellness center, we’re always striving to work with the unique anatomy of your face and will always take a soft but thorough approach. Let’s explore how your facial anatomy is enhanced with lip fillers and what the outcomes of the treatment are.

Facial Anatomy


Understanding Facial Anatomy

The key to obtaining beautiful, natural-looking results is to understand the anatomy of your lips and surrounding structures. Your lips consist of several critical components:

1- Vermilion border:

This is the line along your lip where the red part stops and your facial skin starts (along the outer part of your upper and lower lip). Lining this border can help make your lip line look more distinct and defined.

2- Cupid’s Bow:

The curve of your upper lip which resembles the double-curved bow often shown carried by Cupid,

3- Philtrum Columnae:

Translated from Latin as ‘the two columns of the philtrum’, these are the vertical lines that run from your nose to your upper lip, and by carving them, you can lift your whole face.

4- Oral Commissures:

The corners of your mouth. Lift them up a little to give the impression of a raised, less sad look.

All of these components need to fit together in order to give the right shape to your lips and this all needs to be worked out before you make the needle go in!

Impact of lip fillers on Facial Anatomy


The Personalized Approach

We understand that no two faces are created equal. What works for one person may not work for another. An initial consultation prior to any lip filler shapes procedure is crucial at Revenge MD to gain a full understanding of your facial shape, skin type and aesthetic goals. This allows for a fully customised treatment plan that enhances your natural beauty instead of giving you an overfilled face, and makes you look like a fresher you.


Consultation Process

We also spend time with you in the consultation because we want to make sure that what we do makes some sense in the context of all your other features. If you look at your own face as a whole and not just at your lips in isolation – the treatment should make you look better, not less balanced. Our view is that the best cosmetic results are the ones that allow you to look your best without needing to change your appearance to one that’s less natural or less balanced.


The Art of Balance

One of the most important things to know about facial anatomy alteration is that natural-looking lip enhancement is all about balance. If you have a larger chin or jawline, for instance, fuller lips will help balance that out; if you have a more delicate face, you might not want dramatic fullness, or your face might look cartoonishly large. We are taught the principles of facial balance, also known as facial symmetry, and we use this knowledge to decide how to best augment your face. We use a technique we call ‘Golden Ratio’ assessment that is based on a mathematical ratio found in nature and art that is thought to be pleasing to the eye.


The Procedure: What to Expect

You’ve been wanting them for a while. Those full lips. That pouty look. At Revenge MD, we’ve created a calming, serene experience just for you. Here’s what you can expect:

1- Consultation:

We will meet with you for a free consultation and create your individualised plan, one customised not only for your facial anatomy, but also for your aesthetic desire. We will answer your questions and also review the surgical technique in detail.

2- Pre-treatment:

Before treatment, we will apply a topical numbing cream so you are only mildly sensitive to the pressure that the doctor applies. (The numbing cream makes the procedure virtually pain-free, so this won’t cause any pain.) You will be as comfortable as possible!

3- Injection:

A small amount of the filler is injected under the skin using an ultrafine needle and a highly skilled injection technique. This is sometimes done in a couple of stages and our practitioners have a very light touch but are also able to ‘feel’ the lips and know where the filler needs to go! The beauty of the dermal filler is that it’s short-lived, and if you stop it, then you will revert back to the way you looked before!

4- Post-treatment:

We will provide you with precise instructions that provide the best lip filler before and after results as well as ensure the least amount of swelling. Post-treatment care of the skin includes information for the care of the treated area, such as how to prevent infection and minimise swelling. It also includes advice on how to keep the skin properly hydrated, as this will help the final results look better.

5- Safety First:

We want you to feel secure in your investment and have a positive experience—and that is why we use only the best medical-grade fillers for facial symmetry. and never cut corners when it comes to our sterility or quality standards. Our practitioners are experts in their craft. We take no chances on your safety. We adhere to strict protocols to ensure that safety standards are always met, and so are your expectations!

Facial Anatomy: Impact of Lip Fillers on Your Features


Results and Expectations

But the best part of the procedure is that you can see the lip filler before and after results immediately after your treatment. You will notice a dramatic improvement in your facial anatomy, but you need to know that it will initially include swelling. The immediate swelling is normal and will disappear completely two or three days later.

You will notice the difference in this treatment when the swelling has settled, although you will see the sleek, refined results right away. The treatment design is to add balance to look completely natural. How long it lasts depends on what you’re doing, but usually the effects range between 6 and 12 months. It depends on your skin and lifestyle.

If you want to keep your new look, we recommend that you book regular maintenance sessions in order to maintain the enhancements and keep enjoying the benefits of the procedure over time.


Embrace Your Unique Beauty

Lip fillers are not just about adding extra volume, or about creating a shape with your anatomy and face proportions that gives your face a positive, balanced, aesthetic look, and your smile a little extra confidence. It’s about your story, your beauty, your anatomy, your natural face, and being you—and feeling you, too. It’s also about looking and feeling beautiful! We are here to take you through your beauty transformation with our support and encouragement—for you to love and feel your absolute finest in your truest self.


Schedule Your Consultation

If you are looking for balance facial symmetry, we are more then happy to discuss your aesthetic goals with you. Feel free to stop in and schedule your consultation; our staff will accompany and advise you every step of the way, ensuring to educate you, make you comfortable, and provide you the transformation you are looking for.

Remember, beauty is not what you look like, but how you feel. It’s your confidence that shines through and projects your own beauty outwardly, and lip fillers are an excellent amplifier for that natural beauty. That’s why at Revenge MD we don’t aim to give everyone a “cookie-cutter” or “natural duck lips” look, but instead try to respect the beauty you were born with “protruding chin profile” or lip filler side profile” . Our mission is to bring out the natural beauty in your facial anatomy. Through our fillers for facial symmetry, we want to help you be more confident and to help you look and feel your best every day. Join an amazing journey of beauty with Revenge MD. Discover how lip fillers combine with your natural beauty, enhancing your features for a glowing and youthful look!

Your Call To Action For Enhanced Facial Anatomy

Call today and let us show you how exploring lip filler shapes can help your facial anatomy and allow you to feel and look better than you have in years, affordably and safely! At Revenge MD, we’re not just talking about providing you with lip enhancement shapes and its treatments; we want to be there with you through it all! Our Aesthetics and Wellness Centers in Reno and Henderson are easily accessible for dissolving lip filler and lip fillers near me look out, making it convenient for you to get the lip fillers you desire. Contact us at (775) 983-5630 for our Reno location or (702) 335-7033 for our Henderson location and take the first step towards achieving the pout you’ve always wanted!



Lip Filler Before And After: Enhance Pout Confidently


Lip Filler Before And After: Enhance Your Pout with Confidence


Have you looked at the full, puckered lips of Kylie Jenner or Angelina Jolie and wished your lips were like that? You’re not the only one! The desire for full, defined lips is stronger than ever. Lip filler before and after results prove it’s worth the hype. Lip fillers have gone mainstream and ushered in the dawn of a new era of cosmetic beauty. The rise of the collectively and individually trendy, full, juicy lip, here to stay, and just about all of us have it at, or near, the top of our wishlist. Being Non-Invasive, Lip filler near me is an easy way to get what you want fast, it’s one of the most popular cosmetics treatments of the past few years, endorsed by influencers, celebrities, social media and those who have tried it and said it changed their look for the better.


Lip Fillers Before And After: What Are They?

The most effective way to enlarge and plump the lips is Lip Filler, as it contains hyaluronic acid that naturally exists in our body. It adds volume, various curves and plumps up the superfine lines around the mouth. Most of the time this treatment is performed by fine injection techniques in order to get a reflective natural looking result. Many choices are on the table from a very small enhancement to a massive makeover.


Why Do People Get Lip Fillers Near Me?

People get for lip fillers for all sorts of reasons, including:

Voluminous Lips:

Those who have thin lips will want to emphasize the mouth shape by increasing the size and fullness of their lips- something that lip fillers help achieve.

Replenishing Lost Volume:

Our lips lose volume as we age, and fillers can replace that youthful fullness.

Lip asymmetry: 

Lips aren’t always symmetrical, and if they’re not, your face can look unbalanced. Filler helps to even them out.

Boosting Confidence: 

There is a well-known boost in confidence that lip fillers can provide, making you feel better about your look and body image.


Types of Lip Fillers

There are a number of choices when it comes to fillers for lips, each with its own unique characteristics and advantages. We carry all kinds of lip fillers for any lip filler shapes at Revenge MD from Juvéderm to Restylane, and many more! Consulting with a professional provider is crucial as they can assess your goals and suggest the best filler for achieving your desired look. Remember, what works for one person may not necessarily work for another, so personalized advice is key.

 The Lip Filler Trend

The trend for lip enhancement shapes, russian lip technique and lip fillers seems to fit into wider calls for beauty from media and society. While fuller lips are badged as desirable. The important thing is for someone to express themselves. Feel like the way they have altered their appearance is authentic. People have lip fillers because they want to add volume. Balance or correct asymmetry. To amend a birth defect. To enhance naturally full lips or just to see what it would be like. 

 Lip Filler Before And After Effects

The lip filler before and after effects attest to its ability to change the shape of lips. Make them look fuller. Improved contouring and an overall more youthful appearance. Before the treatment, many people come feeling insecure about thin or uneven lips. After the procedure, they are likely to feel more confident and satisfied with their appearance. Patients should, realistically, expect a few rounds of treatment for the best results.


What to Expect

Do you want to get your lips plumped or fillers injected? If so, you are likely feeling a bit excited, yet a bit nervous, or maybe even a bit scared. However, the more you know about what to expect, the less apprehension you will have about the experience. At Revenge MD, you will discuss your goals, your features will be evaluated, and the lip injection procedure will be walked through.

Being an easy, quick and painless treatment, lip fillers should be performed and done in its entirety by a professional. Before the procedure, your lips will be numbed with a topical anesthetic cream to make the procedure as painless and comfortable as possible!

 The Lip Filler Procedure

The procedure lasts around half an hour. The practitioner injects hyaluronic acid-based fillers, using tiny needles or cannulas, into the lips.

The lip filler injections are precise and purposeful. So you have control of your lips and can ask for what you like. You will be able to see the lip filler before and after results immediately. You might experience the swelling first, which will go down in a couple of days.


Discovering The Best Lip Fillers Around You

Ready to discover the best lip fillers around you? Choose a reputable provider who has the appropriate experience to ensure that you get safe and high-quality lip fillers. Revenge MD are leaders in the aesthetics field, providing excellence and unrivaled expertise in our treatments. Take the first step towards enhancing your lips by exploring.  Revenge MD’s aesthetic wellness centers in Reno and Henderson. Our practitioners can help bring your vision to life with precision and expertise. Whether you prefer a subtle enhancement or a bold transformation,  

Reputation Of Revenge MD Lip Fillers

At Revenge MD, having an excellent reputation is evident by reading our client testimonials and viewing our impressive portfolio of past and current procedures. Our fully trained practitioners hold the correct certifications to ensure they treat you to the highest standards of care available. For lip fillers, an expert will actively listen to your goals, offer personalized solutions and provide reassurance you will feel comfortable throughout the experience. This approach means that your concerns are always front and center. At your first visit, we’ll meet with you, answer your questions regarding the procedure and any concerns regarding lip filler cost. We will listen to your aesthetic goals and then make treatment recommendations. To get you on your way to obtaining the results you desire. We strive for results that are natural, that enhance you as opposed to changing you.

State Of The Art Services

Moreover, we assure you that all the work is conducted in unmatched professional facilities equipped with high-tech, most well-maintained and effectively reliable means of service which guarantee full security and safety during all kinds of procedures. The reason to pick Revenge MD for your lip filler injection is that we care. We care that you get the best possible lip filler before and after results from your investment, and that you are happy with your lip filler experience. Our ongoing investment in learning and keeping on the cutting edge of aesthetic medicine assures you of a good result. Say goodbye to thin or asymmetrical lips – with the right filler choice and skilled professional by your side, we ensure that plump and symmetrical lips are well within reach!


If you live in Reno or Henderson and want to experience the best lip fillers near me to explore more about lip filler before and after-contact the experts at Revenge MD. We are proud to be a leading provider of top-rated fillers in both Reno and Henderson. Call us now at (775) 983-5630 (Reno) or (702) 335-7033​ (Henderson) to schedule your consultation. Get the best lip filler costs and learn how a few simple injections can entirely alter and enhance your lip’s appearance. The perfect pout is within reach – start your journey today!


Explore more about Lip Fillers > > > >

Fillers Near Me-Guide To Dermal-Lip-Fillers

Fillers Near Me

Your Guide to Dermal and Lip Fillers: By Revenge MD Aesthetics And Wellness Center

The usage of dermal and lip fillers has become one of the favorite treatments these days for anyone who aims to have a change in their appearance and a boost in their self confidence. There are numerous procedures and treatments easily available these days, but the best way to achieve a younger look with added volume and density to the face that might have been lost due to aging, is definitely through fillers! There are countless advantages of choosing fillers over alternatives like surgery, as fillers tend to be a non-invasive treatment with an immediate effect and less time to go through, making it favorable for anyone with a busy schedule (let’s be honest, this is most of us with our hectic daily routines!) If you are interested in finding fillers near me, read on! 

The versatility of fillers is one of its main benefits – to address one or all of the following issues: sunken cheeks, wrinkles around the mouth, deflated, thin, or asymmetric lips, deep nasolabial lines – the nasolabial folds go from the corner of the nose to the mid-cheek and to the mouth-, or signs of general aging, where the skin has lost both its elasticity and its former tautness and toned firmness. Fillers will allow your cheeks to immediately look like there has been volume added, losing the appearance of aging, and enhancing subtle improvement in your facial appearance without it being too obvious! Don’t believe us? Check out the cheek fillers before and after results below! 

With so many different products in circulation, so many choices among providers, as well as issue around treatments not ‘taking’ and possibly resulting in deformities, you should look for a clinic that offers experienced, board-certified, proficient practitioners who are well-aware of facial anatomies and aesthetics, to provide more realistic, natural and long-lasting results. Your provider should take the time to understand what your goals are, educate you on the various filler products on the market, pros and cons of each one, and come up with a targeted treatment plan based upon your desires and needs. You should leave every consultation with detailed post-treatment instructions as well as instructions for your recovery. Wondering where you can find such fillers near me? Contact Revenge MD!

What Are Dermal and Lip Fillers?

Dermal Fillers:

Dermal fillers are injectable materials used in cosmetic medicine to rejuvenate the skin. They add volume to the cheeks and folds in the nose and mouth, helping to restore a more youthful appearance in aging men and women. With a fantastic safety record, dermal fillers are among the most effective tools and materials in anti-aging treatments. They’re made of various substances, such as hyaluronic acid (HA), which is a natural substance in the body that contributes to skin hydration and elasticity. Dermal fillers also include other types, including those made from Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Calcium Hydroxylapatite, and Poly-L-lactic Acid; each type has specific benefits depending on the aesthetic goal.

Lip Fillers:

While dermal fillers are commonly used to treat facial lines or enhance the shape of the nose, lips fillers are specifically used to sculpt and enhance the lips, making them firmer and plumper. The ingredients used are various kinds of biodegradable substances, the most common being hyaluronic acid. You can find lip fillers near me to add volume and structure to your lips, in order to give a fuller size and shape. The procedures are also used to achieve a pouty smile (something women in specific dream of having), for oral asymmetry, correcting lip size imbalance, and reshaping lip borders for a balanced lip look and shape.

Benefits of Dermal and Lip Fillers:

  • More volume: With fillers, we can increase volume in the areas where there’s been volume loss, such as the cheeks, the lips and under the eyes. For the lips, fillers can create a more voluptuous look with a fuller shape that compliments your smile and improves overall facial harmony.
  • Erases Creases and Furrows: Have you heard fillers are great for the wrinkles and lines under the eyes, around the mouth and over the forehead? Yes! Fillers are used to effectively reduce or eradicate these wrinkles and lines by stealing that volume away from your creases and furrows and placing it beneath the skin.
  • Enhanced Facial Contours: Your face will appear more focused when cheeks, jawline and chin are defined (and more balanced!)
  • Restored Balance and Symmetry of the Face: Utilizing fillers near me can restore balance and symmetry to the face while correcting asymmetries. They can be used to correct the asymmetries seen in your upper and lower lips, or even between the sides of the face.
  • Hydrated and Fuller Skin: Hyaluronic acid-based fillers attract and hold on to moisture which can better hydrate the skin and make it look firmer.
  • Natural-Looking Results: When correctly administered, dermal and lip fillers give you naturally enhanced results and never make you look ‘overdone’. 
  • No Surgery, Minimal Downtime: Procedure takes approximately 30-60 min and is immediate in terms of results. There may be some temporary swelling and bruising, but this usually subsides in a few days, leaving skin rejuvenated and revitalized. 
  • Restores a youthful appearance: For some, full lips are signifiers of youth and attractiveness, and so dermal fillers near me can maintain and restore a youthful appearance, as well as enhance other facial features and to improve the quality of your skin in general – undoubtedly elements that we all wish to retain for as long as possible. 

Why People Must Make Use of Dermal and Lip Fillers Near Me

  • Non-surgical procedure: no cuts, no sutures – just a couple injections and you are done! It’s non-invasive, so there’s almost no risk involved, making it much quicker to recover than a standard cosmetic surgery.
  • Speed: Injectables work almost immediately. You come into the clinic and walk out the same day looking and feeling younger.
  • Form to Function: restoring shape can be just as crucial as restoring appearances. Fillers offer quite an array of material that can meet the criterion, from minute quantities (e.g. the need to correct a wrinkle, furrow or crease) up to a tremendously large amount (the need to treat severe facial lipoatrophy). 
  • Low downtime: Usually less than an hour for fillers overall, and you can normally go on with your day immediately after. 
  • Natural Results: With a good, reliable injector, fillers can make you look better, yet still look like yourself. No need to seem overdone! 

Types of Dermal Fillers available at Revenge MD

  1. Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Fillers:

These are some of the most popular fillers because of this natural-looking end result. Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a substance already found in the body and is a crucial component of our skin when it comes to being hydrated. This is a key ingredient in the treatment, lasting anywhere from six months to a year before it is dissolved by the body naturally. Brands of HA include:

  • Versa: Versa filler is another popular HA filler that has minimal post-injection swelling, and by far the best dermal filler in correcting the relative balance of volume loss.
  • Belotero: Belotero filler but comprises an elastic, soft gel in a texture that adheres to your body’s natural structure for an overall smooth appearance. 
  • Juvederm: Juvederm provides a range of different formulations for the reduction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, and for adding more fullness to the cheek area to gently lift and define a youthful contour. You can find Juvederm near me at Revenge MD!
  • Restylane: Restylane scores high for treating multiple concerns. It provides volume to treat moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, as well as for lip fullness and smoothing of wrinkles around the mouth. When comparing Restylane vs Juvederm, it is important to note that Juvederm is often preferred for finer lines and Restylane for more robust filling.

      2. Calcium Hydroxylapatite Fillers:

These fillers contain calcium hydroxylapatite microspheres in a gel carrier, so this is the way that you get longevity when it comes to results, but also it’s so soft and natural that it feels and looks like your own natural tissue! You get the added volume, and at the same time your collagen is stimulated. It’s popularly branded as:

  • Radiesse: Immediate correction and volumizing of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds (such as nasolabial folds), and hand rejuvenation to add volume to the back of the hands. A technique called Hyper-dilute Radiesse can also be used, where, as the name suggests Radiesse is diluted to a greater degree and can be spread out for subtle skin volumization and rejuvenation.

      3. Poly-L-lactic Acid Fillers:

Unlike synthetic fillers that offer plumping immediately, the miraculous and natural thing about these fillers is that they are collagen-wakers that act in the background, gently stimulating your own body into producing more collagen, making this perfect for those who wish to achieve results that are slower, coming through over several months, and lasting up to two years. The most popular brand of Poly-L-lactic Acid Fillers is:

  • Sculptra: poly-L-lactic acid to correct deep lines, creases and folds; safe and gradual replacement treatment for volume loss that provides a natural-looking uplift with continued treatment over a series of sessions. Sculptra is used in combination with your own collagen for volumising to provide a long-lasting (2 years or more) rejuvenation to areas of the body damaged by aging.

Other Common Areas Treated with Dermal Fillers

  • Cheeks:

With age, our cheeks can lose volume and begin to sag, and cause us to look tired and older. Dermal filler can restore some of this volume back into our cheeks, gently lifting the cheek to give a youthful, well rested appearance. Are you curious about cheek fillers before and after results? Think of looking into the mirror and seeing fuller, contoured cheeks that can lift your smile and help restore balance to your facial features!

  • Nasolabial Folds:

These are the expression lines that run down from the sides of your nose to the corners of your mouth, where the smiles are — and, in time, the natural creases become deeper. Dermal fillers will erase these lines by smoothing those folds, making them less pronounced and smoothing out deep etched-out creases so that your face looks softer and less aged. The results are instant. You’ll look less tired, and much younger!

  • Marionette Lines:

The marionette lines are the folds, usually quite prominent, that run down from each corner of the mouth towards the chin. Dermal fillers that also include chin fillers can lift the edges of the mouth upwards, changing an expression of depression or fatigue to something altogether more approachable and upbeat. It’s subtle, yet something that will make a huge difference to a person’s overall appearance. A person will feel like they are happier and younger!

  • Jawline and Chin:

A better-defined jawline and chin is a subtle way to enhance your facial features and create a more balanced and fresher look. Nobody wants to have a chin that’s just hanging there. Chin fillers can add definition and structure to the lower part of your face, enhancing your chin and possibly making your jawline more defined. 

  • Under-Eye Hollows:

Whether they’re dark circles from your previous fight with the pillow, or hollows, they give you that much-disliked exhausted look. The hollows can be lessened by fillers, which makes your eyes, and thus your whole face, look fresher and more bright. Picture getting out of bed in the morning and looking at the mirror, and hooray! Your youthful self looks like a brighter and rested version of you! And guess what? You get to wear less concealer! 


What to Expect During the Procedure at Revenge MD

Consultation: You’ll be asked about your medical history and desires, and you and our provider at Revenge MD will co-create a plan that you are comfortable with, that includes different options for fillers near me. We encourage lots of questions.

Preparation: The area will be thoroughly cleaned prior to your procedure and a topical anesthetic may be applied to mitigate the minimal to mild discomfort involved. Certain fillers incorporate a local anesthetic, such as lidocaine, that our professional will inject into the treatment area before beginning your filler. Next, a minute incision is made to the treatment destination and the filler is injected with a fine needle so as not to puncture the surrounding tissue. This will take between 15-60 mins, depending on the situation and requirements.

After Treatment: Swelling, redness or bruising may occur but should resolve in a day or two. Our professionals at Revenge MD will provide you with a set of post-treatment instructions.

Aftercare Tips for Best Results

  • No Poking and Prodding: Touching or massaging the treated area could prevent the filler from settling correctly and going into unwanted areas. 
  • Drink Water: plumping is one of hyaluronic acid fillers’ main functions, which draws water molecules in, so you know the drill!
  • No Heat or Cold: No saunas, hot tubs, ice packs, etc for 24-48 hours. 
  • Limit Alcohol and Caffeine: These can increase the risk of bruising and swelling.
  • Check-Up: It is imperative to have check up appointments scheduled to monitor your progress and to see how the fillers are working. If there is even the slightest issue, it must be rectified immediately.

Finding the Right Practitioner: Why Revenge MD?

The professional you choose when looking for fillers near me can make a real difference to the end result. Here are some of the reasons why Revenge MD is the best choice for those looking for fillers near me:

  1. Expertise That Delivers Results

Revenge MD Aesthetics and Wellness Center is home to a talented team of board-certified specialists, aestheticians and expert medical practitioners who use revolutionary new tools and stay ahead of the evolving techniques in aesthetic care. With over two decades of experience, Revenge MD employs only the most qualified professionals in the industry to tend to your needs. With the same personal touch and care with each patient, we have built and maintained high standards of quality, products and expertise throughout the past years. Our successful injector training courses opened up our philosophy to educate and inspire the new generation of industry leaders.

We care about you. With over twenty years of experience in medical aesthetics and wellness, we ensure to present effective, safe, and affordable options for fillers near me because your aesthetic and lifestyle goals matter the most. For advanced area aesthetics and wellness, this is where you need to be.

  1. Comprehensive Services, Personalized Care

Experience the best in cutting-edge treatments that complement your natural beauty and maximize your wellness: advanced fillers near me, cosmetic procedures and specially designed wellness programmes are a sample of our offerings, which allow us to address your needs and concerns in a unique, holistic way. Every treatment offered at Revenge MD is planned with attention to detail in order to nurture your inner and outer thriving.

  1. Empowering Your Journey, Every Step of the Way

At the heart of Revenge MD is a dedication to your happiness and well-being. Because we are committed to your emancipation, you’ll never feel lost in the rotation, nor question your own worth. From your first consultation to follow-up care, we remain on your side, helping you to look and feel even better than ever before. 

If you are in Nevada, we are your one-stop resource if you are looking for fillers near me!

Contact Us if you would like to find out what our fillers can accomplish for your face. Schedule a consultation now; call (702) 335-7033 (Las Vegas) or (775) 983-5630 (Reno) or contact us online.